Welcome to Kaihora

Finally after months of trying to come up with a new and unique name, then spending a month sorting out the change over, designing a logo and playing around with themes, everything has come together and I give you KAIHORA.

‘Kaihora’ is a Māori word with the meaning to travel abroad and/or wander. There are a few reasons I decided to make this the new name of the blog;
↠ I wanted the brand name to be unique, and as much as the word ‘wanderlust’ truly describes me, I have found it is slowly becoming over used and unoriginal,
↠ I wanted the name to still reference travel in some way,
↠ The reason I chose the word to be in Māori is because of my ties to New Zealand and also just because I loved the way ‘kaihora’ sounded! I also liked how it was short therefore, hopefully, making it a more memorable name.

For those who have been on this journey with me since the very beginning, you will notice more than just a name change. A new theme has been introduced, and no doubt it will change again down the track but for now it will remain as is. So to help you all out I thought I’d provide you with a basic guide of how to get around Kaihora and what is on offer (note the guide and photos are relevant for if you are viewing the website via a computer/laptop, therefore it may appear different on a phone or tablet).

I’ll begin with the static welcoming page and run through all the bits I think are relevant for you to know 🙂

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The above image is what you will immediately see when opening Kaihora. The menu bar that runs along the top is pretty straight forward but I will be guiding you through this a little later in the guide. The next exciting part is the ‘featured’ section. Every Friday I will be updating this section with 3 featured articles thus keeping it fresh and inviting. Note: it will automatically scroll along the 3 posts, but you can also manually view the before or after post by clicking on the arrows to either end.

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Scrolling down slightly and you will be welcomed by the above sight. Along the top the 3 featured posts can be seen once more. Below is where you’ll find my 3 most recent posts.

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Continue scrolling and you’ll get here. Along the right side of the screen is a side bar which contains; a calendar of upcoming events and travels I have organised, a section for you to follow/subscribe to the website (if you have a WordPress account you can follow via the ‘follow’ button at the bottom right of the screen, but for those of you who do not have a WordPress account, simply enter your email in the “follow blog” section. By doing so you will be kept up to date with new posts as you will receive an email each time a new post goes up), and a section of my Instagram posts (by clicking on the image, it will enlarge the image by redirecting you to my Instagram account). Along the left side of the screen is an infinite scroll of all published articles.

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To carry on from the above notes, at the bottom of the side bar on the right you will find shortcuts to all of my social media accounts; simply click on the relevant one to be taken to that platform. Again, the left side is a continuous scroll through the published articles.

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With a quick scroll back to the top of the page, let me run you through the menu bar. ‘About me’ menu is pretty straight forward, clicking on this option will direct you to a page where you can read more about my background and the birth of Kaihora. Going across one to the ‘bucket list’ option; simply clicking on the menu once will take you to a page which briefly describes bucket lists, however, if you hover over the option a drop down menu appears. I have split my bucket list up into the relevant continents, by clicking on a continent you will be able to explore what is currently on my personal bucket list and what I have already managed to tick off!

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Very similar to the bucket list menu, clicking on ‘destinations’ once will take you to a page with a brief introduction into what countries I’ve explored. However, hover over it and another drop down menu will appear. By clicking on the various continents you will be able to see exactly what countries are in each continent and which ones I have been to.

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Hover over one of the continents and yet another drop down menu appears, clicking on this ones will list all the articles I have published that are relevant to that continent or country.

Similar to the ‘about me’ menu, ‘travel tips,’ ‘upcoming travels,’ and ‘social media’ will all take you to single pages with relevant information on those subjects.

And there you have it, a quick and simple guide on how to get around Kaihora and make the most of it.

I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do, and if there are any questions regarding any of the changes or if you want to just get in touch with me in general please feel free to leave a comment below↓

Thank you to everyone who has decided to join me on this journey, I hope to inspire you all, big or small, to get out and explore the wonders that the world has to offer!

On that note; go forth and explore the world, my website (kaihora.com) and give my FB page a like while you’re at it (www.facebook.com/kaihoratravels).

Lots of love, Cartier x

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